Tree Planting at Arborscapes in Kamloops
As our slogan – “Preserving the Urban Forest” – states, planting trees is something that we promote, and we hope to do a lot more of in the future.
Due to the loss of the majority of our pine trees in Kamloops to pine beetle, replanting and regaining our urban forest canopy should be of the utmost importance. Planting the right tree in the right spot is the way we can reduce our carbon footprint and help beautify the Kamloops area. We are ready and willing to dig a hole and plant that tree for you.

Tree Planting for Homeowners
Here is why planting trees is a win-win for homeowners:
Trees beautify your property and are an investment for a sustainable future.
They enhance your property’s curb appeal and add value to the garden/yard.
Trees are life-supporting systems for people as they produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
Trees prevent soil erosion, air pollution and flooding in the case of storms.
You can save home utility bills as they shelter your home from the wind, rain and sun. You save money on heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Tree Planting for Businessowners
Large-scale tree planting for commercial spaces or governmental projects has myriad benefits, including:
They make the whole space look more aesthetic, green and inviting.
Increase the pavement life along with reducing glare for drivers and pedestrians.
Trees filter pollutants in the air and remove harmful gasses.
They play a vital role in absorbing noise and air pollution.
Water filtration and underground water recharge are made possible.
We Can Help You Plant a Tree Strategically!
Properly planting trees requires specialized knowledge of the best time to plant, the appropriate location to plant, the right plant species, plant or tree size and more. The professionals at Arborscapes can assist you with the above. Feel free to call us for more information.